Wednesday, May 23, 2012

WHAT are you hiding Farris??

You deleted your blogtalk radio show already and today's ustream feed?  What's the matter? You cannot stand by your own words? Was it something you said or didn't say?  I don't understand why you run and hide.  What exactly are you afraid of?   You do realize when you keep deleting stuff, it makes you look incredibly guilty.  I've made certain there is a permanent record of all you've said online for almost 3 years,  I have all the copies including your live feed from today.  (come back tomorrow and I'll post a tiny bit of today's show to prove I have copies).

You can run but you cannot hide. You will face the consequences of your criminal actions - all legally of course.

In the meantime, I see some former supporters are having a bit of fun at your expense and Joey Dauben's sister has a message for you.

I think Connie Bedwell  I'm uncertain who opened a facebook page just for you but it doesn't matter. It will be interesting to follow what your former supporters have to say about you.

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