Sunday, August 28, 2011

New scams

Details to come.

For now, a message to Farris.  I have not forgot about you, your scams, your shady sick business dealings.  Everything written on the blog can be researched by others so they can realize it is the truth.  Say what you want about your videos that this doesn't bother you... I know it does :)

I know because when things don't bother me, its not worth mentioning.

You go to EXTREMES to mention the blogs.  That's showing just how much is getting under your skin.

More to come soon.


  1. Thank you for sharing this information. Did you see her on TV 9 Orlando claiming someone took her stuff out of a house she didn't know she was being foreclosed on. Would like to know more about how she got this house ?

  2. I see this freak has drawn another whack job into her world of delusion and grandeur. Farris now claims to be some investigative reporter for some 30 year old, freak from Texas - Joe G. Dauben. Her first article for this dumbass...she plagiarized an article from CPPA but this dumbshit gives her full credit for writing the crap.
    Here is her "report"

    Now that is some damn reporting. Here is one of the other sites that is a mirror image of the same thing.

    Here is the one she stole it from ...another wacko group CPPA.

    Funny how Farris always seems to find another person that is out to make a buck. Joey G. Dauben has been sued numerous times for "cyber squatting" on domain names. Seems he managed over 800,000 domain names with many that were typo sites from legitimate sites. People go to his sites by mistake, click on the ads and this numbnuts generates revenue.

  3. Joey Dauben is now charged with 4 child sex assaults. Farris can really pick em for being such an expert and all in pedophilia.

    Then again maybe there's money to be made by trying to get the pedophiles out of jail instead of keeping them in. Do you think she wants these baby rapists out because she can them pimp them out and get a percentage of $$$ in return.

    I'd believe anything at this point from this hag. She's actually quite funny to watch. Reminds me of a chicken with its head cut off.


  4. Thanks all, and to whomever runs this site, for keeping this blog going and adding comments.
